On the 25th of August, 8 PM sharp, you will find it.
limited seats | +18
“I’m not going to tell the story the way it happened.
I’m going to tell it the way I remember it.”
(Dickens. Great Expectations)

After graduating HRC Culinary Academy, Alexandru Dumitru entered in 2014 the fascinating world of the Michelin starred restaurants. His first experience with a top rated kitchen was at Les Solistes – Waldorf Astoria, the Berlin based restaurant of Pierre Gagnaire, the iconoclastic 3 Michelin stars Chef that introduced the concept of fusion cuisine. In 2015, Alex moved to California to work in the 1 Michelin star kitchen of Chef Robert Curry, at Auberge du Soleil. California also offered him the opportunity of an internship at the famous 3 Michelin stars restaurant – Saison. The professional experience formed in Napa Valley, an area renowned for it’s wines and gastronomy, marked the culinary style of Alex, growing his interest for seasonality and local ingredients. His dishes are simple, yet sophisticated – traditional recipes are being reinvented through modern techniques and top quality ingredients.
“You are in every line I have ever read.”
“I am what you designed me to be.I am your blade.
You cannot now complain if you also feel the hurt.”
(cured salmon)
“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.”
(foie gras torchon)
“I must be taken as I have been made.
The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me.”
(porc tenderloin)
“Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold,
of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you,
but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.”
(old recipe papanaşi)