Let us all come together, dine together, wine together.
As it is the Month of Togetherness.
December 17 | 20:00
“Some say that ever, ’gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,
The bird of dawning singeth all night long;
And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad,
The nights are wholesome, then no planets strike,
No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm,
So hallow’d and so gracious is the time.”
Act I, Scene 1 | Hamlet | William Shakespeare (1603)

Executive Chef Pullman – Bucharest
Known as one of the best Romanian Chefs, Stefan Popescu will cook, once again, our Christmas Dinner Feast. Specialised in Pastry, with an internship at the prestigious Paul Bocuse Institute in France, Chef Stefan Popescu will delight our senses with rich flavours and textures. He was awarded at the FOOD & BAR Gala in 2015 with the “Artist in the Kitchen” title.
Saint Jacques
mushrooms shimeji, chorizo croutons and pomegranate emulsion
Wild Duck Terrine with Fragaria
brussels sprouts, fruit chutney, endive pistou sauce and black lentil earth
Red Mullet and Jumbo Shrimps
baby spinach veloute, quinoa rice and salmon caviar
Argentinian Beef Tenderloin
asparagus quenelle, horseradish flavoured beetroot, stilton cheese gratin potatoes, porto wine reduction and orange dust
Raspberry Mille-Feuille
white chocolate Nespresso mousse